Due to the fact that this week is short, and you may not have brought your old reading books home to look up definitions, I have included them below. Please make sure that you study the spelling as well as the given definitions.
Words are taken from the story - Paul Revere
1. porringers: Shallow cups or bowls with handles
2. congregation: a group of people who regularly workship at a church
3. colonies: territories governed by a parent territory
4. engraved: carved, cut, or etched into a material
5. bookplate: label posted inside books that show the owners name.
6. doodling: scribbling aimlessly
7. liberty: the right to act as one chooses
8. oppose: to act against something or someone.
9. cargo: the freight carried by a ship or other vehicle
10. express: fast, direct, and often nonstop
11. sentries: soldiers who stand at watch for danger or for people without permission to pass.
12. patriot: a person who loves and defends his or her country
13. dispatched: sent off to a specific destination
14. steeple: a tall tower rising from the roof of a church or other building.
15. spurs: short spikes or sharp-toothed wheels attached to the heels of a rider’s boots.
16. overtake: to catch up with
17. succession: a sequence
18. lines: battle areas closest to the enemy
19. foundry: a place where metals are cast and molded
20. sheathing: a protective covering on the underwater part of a ship’s hull
As students are getting ready for middle school, they need to concentrate on further enriching their vocabulary. When students look up definitions, they should study the first definition that is listed as that is the one most commonly used. It is a good idea to use an online dictionary if there is not an age appropriate one available at home.
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