In this site you will find latest information about what is happening in our class! You will be also able to check for upcoming projects, daily homework, and important dates to remember. Please check in daily!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Daily Homework and Updates

April 29, 2011


Return signed tests to school please! They need to be kept in your class file.

Important Dates: Field Trip on Monday June 13

D.A.R.E. Graduation June 14

Science: Please do all three pages of the worksheet I gave you. Write neat, and in complete sentences. Make sure to complete process skills. Due on Monday May 2
Spanish: Complete both pages of worksheet given to you today.

D.A.R.E: Drug info brochure due on Monday May 2. No other research is necessary. Just read about the drug in the brochure. Poster, and the 2 written reports are due on May 26.

Social Studies test May 4. See guidelines below